A New Life Experience

Wow. What an amazing first year I have had!
I am so glad that I decided that I wanted to have the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be at university. (Also getting the qualifications but that’s obvious). For those of you who don’t know, I go to Manchester Metropolitan University.

Of course, along with any life experience, there have been many ups and downs. But that was just inevitable. And if you look past all of the downs that have happened, it’s been the best time of my life! I am one of those people who absolutely loved college so it is going to be pretty hard for something to beat it, however after these 3 years at uni are done, I think it might just do that!

Meeting new people is probably one of my favourite things ever, although I am very shy at first so it might not seem like it’s my favourite thing but trust me it is! I just have to get used to everyone and then I can be myself, and I must say when I am myself people get quite shocked! I’m just very very weird, but better weird than boring I guess ;). I have met the most amazing people and I’m so glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know them. I honestly can’t fault one person that I have met since the start of uni! All of my flat mates are so great, we get along so well, they are so thoughtful and caring it’s beautiful and I bloody love them! I can’t wait to get to know the 3 new people I’m living with next year. Everyone that I have met outside of uni, damn they can party;) but they are some of the best, funniest and caring people I know! One of them being Hannah-Mae, the reason I mention her is because she has actually helped me with quite a lot around blogging. She has a blog herself (go check hers out – http://hannahmae27.blogspot.co.uk/?m=1 ) so she’s been able to answer questions for me and I’m ever so grateful. And finally the people who I have met in uni, which isn’t a lot, granted, but that is self-inflicted. However I have met some great people, they are so lively and it’s so lovely to see the passion that everyone has on the course!

Since I can remember I have always wanted to do the three experiences: school, college and university. So I don’t really have much to say about the change as I think I was definitely ready for it. Okay, maybe not fully ready as I still need to get used to the fact that I now have to budget for everything…! But other than that, I love living out and being my own self. At first when I moved into the accommodation it was quite weird and it hadn’t at all sunk in that I actually lived there now, but now that first year is over I just don’t want to move back and I actually call this home! Sorry mum ;). Of course I miss my family and cat a lot but who doesn’t! When I go back home I do love having food cooked for me instead of me doing so, although recently there’s not been a lot of cooking involved! So it’s nice to go back once in a while to recoup and if you think you’ve lost your way or something then going back home is a very good option.

Okay so after talking about how amazing uni is, you can not forget how blooming hard it can be! I thought I was ready for the toughness of this whole thing but I don’t think I realised how tough it would actually be. Now for some people it’s obviously different as it depends what course you’re doing, how good you are with the kind of work they give you and all that jazz. But for me, I personally don’t think that I’m that great at the theory side of my course, I’ve always struggled with it in college and now obviously it’s a lot harder! To say that I have struggled with it, I think that I have done that best that I can do and I do hope my grades show that. If you are someone who is reading this who isn’t at uni yet but wants to go, please don’t forget how difficult it will be. Else you will be hit with a bombshell, damn!

With saying that, I am so so so excited for year 2. I can’t wait to see what is around the corner (and I’ve taken up a language for next year so I’m going to be very busy!). So many new things are going to happen and I couldn’t be any happier with everything!

1 thought on “A New Life Experience”

  1. I loved this! It’s nice to read a realistic point of view about uni. As so many just sugar coat it to being amazing and partying 24/7! You’ll have done amazing with your assignments so you don’t need worry.xx

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