My Pamper Nights

Now, you have to agree that everyone loves a good pamper night. Yes even you boys;). Pamper night doesn’t mean just manicures and things that are stereotypically classed as ‘girly’ things (although mine does include a bit of a manicure!).
I think a pamper night is always needed now and then, especially now that a lot of you have finished the stress of exams. You can destress, clear your mind of anything and just relax. Everyone of course has different ways of pampering, however I just thought it would be nice to share how I love to pamper.

Firstly, I actually went and got a lot of snacks for my night ahead, I must say I may have gone a little overboard however you can never really have too many snacks I think;). I then had a shower which was indeed a long shower, with some music on just having a great singalong! I would then just leave my hair to dry on it’s own cause I don’t really want to get all hot and sweaty after my shower, plus I feel like it’s a lot more relaxing when you just leave your hair to air dry.












I would then put a face mask on (either one that you have to peel, wash or just take off) so I can feel like I have my life in check (totally works for the night haha!) whilst I read a book with a few candles and fairy lights on. This makes everything so much more relaxed and calm. It makes your head just empty of any thoughts, all the weight just feels like it’s lifted from your shoulders and it’s just the best feeling ever. Oh, and you have to have a cup of tea, hot chocolate or just some kind of hot drink, makes it even better!

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After I take my face mask off, I would then start my manicureeeee. I love this part I won’t lie! I would first use my ‘Deep Cleansing Salt Scrub’ by a company called Sakare which makes my hands extra soft. After getting them mega soft, I would then start on my nails. By filing them, and buffing them using a nail buffer, then using a cuticle oil on them to make them look even better! To finish off I would use moisturiser, all this is also from Sakaretheir nail kit. After all this, yes I paint my nails, can’t not! I absolutely love having painted nails, I just feel like it makes your nails look so much better.


After I have done all of the nail stuff and trying to make me feel like I have my life in check, I then just relax, put a film on and enjoy the rest of my night feeling refreshed!

Let me know your go to way of having a pamper night! I would love to try out new ways, see if there’s an even better one!:)

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